Thursday, January 7, 2010

Something's Gotta Give

Three of Cups today. Return to normalcy. Friends. Positive vibes. Happiness and light. Relax in the moment.

In the moment? Relax and take it all in? That seems complacent. What about my plans? My (re)newed lease on life? Wanderlust propelling me to accomplish something for the greater good. Hmmm. I fear that I am in love with the IDEA of the journey. Must not get caught up in the illusions.

Note to self: Examine the reasons I have put my plans to attend ESL training in Hanoi on hold. Is this indefinite? What lays behind my indecision? Lack of funds? Lack of focus? Lack of gumption? Fear of getting out of my comfort zone for real? My mind is spinning ... and so is a concrete strategy. Stagnation has all but halted my detailed, fact-based, time line for the steps toward relocating to Vietnam in January. It is now January. I am not in Southeast Asia.

1) Is it lack of resources? The inability to maintain my village home while I am experimenting as an ex-pat in an emerging market? My remaining consulting clients dropped by the wayside five months ago evaporating my cash flow.


2) Was my decision to attend ESL training in Vietnam because at the time I felt my son, my heart, would be starting his career in Hong Kong or Singapore? At least we would be in the same hemisphere able to celebrate holidays and enjoy spontaneous weekend visits. He'll know in another month or so where his career path begins.


3) Am I wavering between teaching ESL anywhere in the world and micro-lending opportunities in Africa or Asia. The latter a natural segue from my professional career as a financier and venture capitalist; the former retooling and full immersion into a developing economic landscape.

You know? I want to do them both. Successful completion of the grueling CELTA training adds another arrow to my quiver and can provide an income stream ANYwhere on the planet. Teaching business English to entrepreneurs and executives conducting global business transactions will open the doors to the local financial community. I am no stranger to networking and becoming integral to economic development. My resume speaks for itself. I have done this before. Albeit in this country. But a stranger. A duck (read: single woman with child) out of water (read: in a red, good ol' boy state that hadn't ratified the ERA) ... but it worked. It was a success. Now I am on to something.

Cheers ... until tomorrow.

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