Friday, February 12, 2010

The Fool C'est Moi

The fool, the wide-eyed innocent of the Major Arcana, begins her journey on a new path with the willingness to step off a cliff into the unknown. She brings little provisions with her, ready to create or find what she needs along the way. The sun at her back, her dog to accompany her, the fool's carefree pose stands testament to her search for the new adventure, to the faith she has in herself to forge a new path.

Okay. Okay. Mme. Tarot. I hear you. Loud and clear. I know. I'm dawdling. Complacent. Settled into the routine of shorter days and frigid grey wind-whipped skies My 59th past in a blur. I get it. Enough dilly-dallying in the rest area on the side of the road. What the hell am I waiting for? An engraved invitation on Mrs. Strong's elegant hand beveled, custom color bordered 100% archival cotton note cards? John Beresford-Tipton at my door with that check for one million dollars? A push from my inner self? Yes. That's it. Moi-meme seulement. La fou. Une forte je. Inspiree. Pret. Ensemble. Allez. Ready. Set. Go.

Back to business. Winter's hardened grip loosened. Spirits brightened by milder days and ample sunshine. Jeans promise to fit comfortably in a few weeks time. Wanderlust kicks in. Airmiles in hand. Fodor's at the ready. Research complete. Nerves steeled.

Next step? Mid-March completion of CELTA application for ILA Vietnam in Hanoi. September. The next stop on the superhighway of my well-traveled life. These pages will keep me honest. On track. Okay. Here goes! Places to go, people to meet, adventures wating to happen.

Cheers ... and an extra olive for good measure.

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